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First sorry i don't speak chinese but i'm using this great Cms for my own conveniance, i have translate it in French (i'm using simpage theme) but there is strange bug i can't resolve. If i use chinese text all is right but when i'm using french translate (from english files) i have space after the character  '  "L’ énigme" !! it must be like this "L'énigme" without the space between the ' and the é . Any idea ? i have look inside the code and i think it came from the preg_replace string ?


{php}$description = preg_replace('/\p{Cc}+/u','', trim(SubStrUTF8(TransferHTML($article->Title,'[nohtml]'),55)).'');{/php}{$description}</a></h3>
<ul id="zi">
{if $zbp->Config('simpage')->DisplayAbstractwords=="0"}
{php}$description = preg_replace('/\p{Cc}+/u','', trim(SubStrUTF8(TransferHTML($article->Content,'[nohtml]'),$zbp->Config('simpage')->Abstractwords)).'...');{/php}{$description}



Thanks a lot if you can help me and long live to this wonderfull site.

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